Witness and Evangelism
Witness and Evangelism
A practicing Christian is someone who is so skilled and widely competent in being Christian, and so committed to continuous outpouring, that whatever the situation, he or she speaks fluently and ardently to it. This kind of Christian possesses a comprehensive readiness into which the Lord can pour His leading as to when, where and how. This kind of Christian is always at rest, not anxious (should I witness here and now?) but peacefully prepared.
Here’s an analogy for what I am trying to say. Accomplished pianists practice continuously. This does not mean that they practice all the time, but they practice so fully and wisely that they can enjoy not practicing and be at rest about their readiness to perform. A witnessing Christian should be like this. He or she cannot witness twenty-four hours a day any more than a pianist can practice that long. But there should be such thoroughness to practicing the faith that at a moment’s notice it can be turned to specific witness. This readiness is not particularly about a set witness time any more than wise piano practice is about an isolated performing event. Rather, it is about being comprehensively Christian and practicing Christianity in such a way that at any moment its completeness can be shaped to fit the circumstance.
Are you ready to witness if the need arises???